On the subject of collecting weird things while keeping the power level down and the risk/impact of action high have you checked out Electric Bastionland?
It’s a really great book. Cool setting and impactful but light mechanics with tons of really practical advise on how to run games. The character creation process is an absolute blast. The strongest praise I can give it is that every page asks questions which are begging to be answered in play.
On the subject of collecting weird things while keeping the power level down and the risk/impact of action high have you checked out Electric Bastionland?
We haven't, but you are not the first person to ask that, so perhaps we should.
It’s a really great book. Cool setting and impactful but light mechanics with tons of really practical advise on how to run games. The character creation process is an absolute blast. The strongest praise I can give it is that every page asks questions which are begging to be answered in play.
I'll try to pick it up soon!